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HOBO AKC SN571297/01 M. (7/10/1998)
BIS Ch. Summit's Mr. Bojangles OS SDHF Honorifics: 3x Natl BOB Winner - 2003 & 2004 & 2006 / 10 BIS
Two weeks after his finish he was flown to Texas and set a breed record by entering the GRCA show dog Hall of Fame in two weekends with three group 1sts and an all-breed Best in Show! We then gave him a year off for physical as well as mental maturity while using him at stud; awaiting a more serious campaign. He received the second Judges Award of Merit at the 2001 National in Albuquerque, NM.
Hobo began his campaign with hander, David Harper and owners, Rev. Alan Klessig and Beth Johnson in late March of 2002. With a couple of months David and Hobo garnished several Best in Shows and were ranked in the top five Goldens in the nation as of mid December of 2002. Hobo was the only Golden Retriever with six Best in Shows in 2002. Campaigned as a Top Special, Hobo has sired over 40+ champions and many specialty majors and sweepstakes. Truly an outstanding sire! Recently for the third time he again took Best of Breed at the Golden Retriever National Specialty in 2006.
Hobo finished his Championship with four majors. He acquired multiple specialty majors, sweepstakes and futurity wins all before his second birthday. He was ptd. from puppy class, but due to his credibility, we waited him out for bigger and better bounties. His finish was a smash; back to back five pt majors at the White River Golden Retriever club and the Central Regional specialty.